
Gender Discrimination

Meta statement:

As members of a community and the Chico community it is our duty to uphold the values of those who live and participate here. As a group of community members government policies can be changed. For example, at the DACA rally, the students asked those participated to call the local rep and have them propose the clean dream act. In this way the community is affecting the government. As residents, we are held responsible for being there for fellow members. If citizens do want things to change in the community, the easiest way for things to change is to connect with others in the community. By connecting with other participants, you are able to gain an audience therefore more likely to change the government policy.

Website photos


Some of the group members: Top Row (7) Flor Contreras, Sonia Estrada, Kayla Crawford, Sarah Aurelio, Manny Flores, Jazmin Narez, Mauricio Tinoco : Bottom (2) Ricky Figueroa, Giselle Bello


Why did we chose Gender Discrimination?

The policy that our group had picked is gender discrimination, we all picked this topic for many different reasons. Our issue revolves around the issues and problems that the genders face everyday, and this doesn’t just mean man vs. women. This involves the people of the LGBTQ community as well, since this affects so many people our group wanted to find ways to help the problems that people face. Our main reason for picking this topic was to help men, women and the LGBTQ by making their lives a little bit easier by addressing these issues.


Connections between the policy issue and issues of power (the framing sentence) and the Constitution.

For centuries women have had limitations put upon them because of their gender. In recent years however they have advocated for themselves for better opportunities and to simply be heard. The U.S. Constitution consist of laws and government practices that are used to ensure that gender discrimination doesn’t happen.

  • The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution provides, “No state shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Courts have interpreted this language to prohibit certain kinds of sex discrimination by state governments and agencies.

The framing sentence highlights how the government who is in a powerful position under utilizes their authority to create laws that prohibit women from getting discriminated against. Although women have the 14th amendment, it doesn’t solidify that discrimination won’t happen against them. More laws must be enforced in order to ensure that discrimination won’t affect women.


Identify which levels of government (local, state, federal) interact with your policy issue, and in what way(s). Refer to our work on federalism, and the research you did for your inquiry paper to uncover the various roles of government at different levels related to your policy issue.

The levels of government in which relate to our policy issue is on a national level. The way it is national is because gender discrimination is happening all over the world. Just as in our work on federalism”Do to tyrannic rule federalist wanted to insure that tyranny wouldn’t take place again.  Federalist  are fearing on having another king or dictator run the country.” federalist didn’t want to have tyranny but the looks of it tyranny is happening to women still today. Also when we were conducting our inquiry papers we all came to the conclusion that discrimination of women is on a national level but the government is being involved very little.


Has a bill been introduced in Congress, the state legislature, local government, etc. that might achieve your policy goal? Who has introduced it? What has happened to the legislation thus far? What chance does it have of passage and why?

A bill that was introduced by the senate was rejected by the house to restrict federal grants for obscene art. The senate introduced it to the house but it got rejected so if we introduce it again and add for advertisements as well it would help my policy issue.


Which bureaucratic agency is responsible for the policy area? Does it act in a manner that is consistent with your policy proposal? Does the head of that bureaucratic agency support your position?

  • The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is the federal agency most responsible for gender discrimination. Each individual subtopic also overlaps with other agencies like the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Committee and U.S. Department of Labor. These agencies, along with the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights head staff director, Mauro Albert Morales, do act in a manner that is consistent with our policy proposal as far as they promote equality regardless of sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, or national origin.


Has there been any judicial action on your policy area? Was the outcome one that you would support?

For the most part, there has been very minimal judicial action and the most recent ones date back to the 90’s and that’s when the whole gender discrimination thing was a mess and people were trying to fix things between themselves and then later on the courts got involved and became an issue of national level. The most recent event that happened is the title VII that protects any worker in the work place from being harassed according to sex, race religion etc.


Is an interest group, candidate or political party particularly active on the issue? What have they said or done? Do you agree with them?

  • The Butte County has the  “Non- Discrimination Policy” this policy was adopted  in 2001 and was revised in 2012. The policy was added to the county to help with the prevention of discrimination. As a group we agree with this policy because it demonstrates how the supervisors of this County represent the people and how they  do listen to the people and will try to be helpful to accommodate their daily lives.


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